Why CT?
Our value proposition is simple: We're a humble, values-driven organisation that is absolutely obsessed with delivering exceptional customer service-backed IT services and helping our customers to map out their technological journeys.

Engineering led
12consecutive yearsof award wins.


100% On-Shore
Building true partnerships with our customers
Throughout our 18-year journey, we have always focused on elevating our relationships beyond just a client-supplier arrangement and building meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships with our customers. We achieve this through an ingrained people-focused culture that is driven from the top down. Some examples of what we do to achieve this include:
- A Chief Customer Officer combined with a Customer Experience team that work every day to build relationships with our customers and deliver them what they need;
- A can-do attitude fostered by our people and supported by our business processes.
- A CX team that work to understand our customers’ missions and determine how best we can use our resources to help them achieve it.
- A highly engaged leadership team who get to know every single customer and are highly accessible.
- A fundamental understanding that we are not perfect and want to improve and so we encourage and actively solicit feedback.
This has led us to a less than 1% customer churn rate annually – a humbling result when you consider that over 60% of our business is government who must go out to tender for each contract renewal.

Our certifications and compliance
As a critical partner to our customers, how we operate is of paramount importance to both us and them. That's why we've implemented ISO global best practices in the areas of Quality, Environmental, Data Security, Risk Management, Service Management and Occupational Health and Safety. We are audited against these frameworks and maintain stringent internal practices to ensure we continue to conform.
- Information Security Management System (ISO 27001) certified
- Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) certified
- Quality Management System (ISO 9001) certified
- Occupational Health and Safety Systems (ISO 45001) certified
- Information Technology Service Management (ISO 20000) compliant
- Risk Management (ISO 31000) compliant

With 18 years of 25%+ of year-on-year growth combined with consistently strong financial results, you’ll be selecting a partner that will be here tomorrow.

It has been great to work with the Executive Team at CT over the past three years to help with key strategic decisions and witnessing the company go from strength to strength.

IT can be a thankless industry and so we’re passionate about creating an awesome place to work where our people feel loved and enjoy what they do. This ultimately leads to a lower team member attrition rate which is great for customers!
- 6.15% regretted turnover rate.
- > +67 Employee Net Promoter Score
- 4.5+ Star Glassdoor rating
- 97% of our people recommend CT as a great place to work.
...oh, and we were named in the Great Places to Work awards too:

Continuous Improvement
A message from our Founder and Chief Executive Officer
We understand that choosing your next technology partner isn’t an easy decision. We wish you all of the best with your process.
Let us help you
We are a passionate team and want to do anything we can to help. Let us know how we can help you by filling out this form.
- Telephone
- 1300 888 918